I have been in your shoes for over three decades (see "Why Work With Indigo Pheasant" and "Services" on the home page). I started my professional life delivering punch cards to a mainframe computer center. I remember when the fax was a nearly unfathomable new wonder -- and when email seemed like magic. I have been through a great many organizational restructurings, redesigns, reshufflings of various sorts across many sectors and geographies-- some that added value, some that did not, some as proactive strategies for growth, some in response to bad economic times, all of which taught me something.
Let me bring this experience and what I have learned to work for you, to help you envision & lead the most effective change for your organization -- to improve your performance with & for your clients and their communities.
Go / no go? I can help as you contemplate whether significant change is in fact the right strategy for your organization, and -- if so -- help you plan, help you build consensus for the change, help you identify potential partners, funders, and other support, help you craft the message to your various constituencies.
Nitty gritty. Equally, I can help you with the execution, as you (among other things):
Ensure continued quality of service for your clients.
Refine your chart of accounts and your financial controls (are you working with new bookkeepers, new accountants or auditors?).
Raise, deploy & report on change-related funding.
Calibrate salary bands, job descriptions & titles.
Meld or upgrade your IT infrastructure
Move offices and/or consolidate your space needs.
File necessary documents with your regulators & seek required approvals.
You know: the daily grind, as the extra degree of difficulty with all that is at stake during major change.
Most of all, I can help you identify & frame the questions you may not already be thinking of, the (if I may) pheasants you have not yet heard calling in the night. The unknowns as yet unknown to you, in addition to the questions you already know.
For a further sense of my thinking: please see my blog, my Twitter stream @DanielRabuzzi and my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-rabuzzi-14838b13/
P.S. Why "Indigo Pheasant?" It's the title of my second novel-- in which a motley band of changemakers construct a vessel called "The Indigo Pheasant," to cross impossible boundaries and (yes, of course!) save the world. "Indigo" because it is a boundary-crossing color, a tertiary, sometimes ambiguous, a wave that breaks categories, unlike the primary hues. "Pheasant" because that bird is a tough, canny survivor, who knows the terrain intimately but can fly when it needs to. Nearly all the artwork on this website is from or related to the novel, created by my artistic partner (and wife), Deborah A. Mills-- the only exception is the main banner, which I painted. See: